제육볶음 (Spicy Pork)
Product Description/제품 설명:
Weight: 680g (1.5 lbs)
Cooking Instructions:
Heat the pan to low-med and spread the Spicy Pork evenly on the pan.
Once fully cooked, add green onion or sesame seeds as a garnish.
Enjoy as a side dish or at KBBQ dinner.
약한 불로 돼지고기를 팬 위에 구워주세요.
돼지고기가 익으면 참깨나 파를 뿌려주세요.
반찬이나 KBBQ 저녁 식사로 즐기세요!
Ingredients: pork shoulder (돼지 앞다리살), gochugaru (고추가루), gochujang (고추장), soy sauce (간장), sugar (설탕), garlic (마늘), ginger (생강), black pepper (후추)
Product Description/제품 설명:
Weight: 680g (1.5 lbs)
Cooking Instructions:
Heat the pan to low-med and spread the Spicy Pork evenly on the pan.
Once fully cooked, add green onion or sesame seeds as a garnish.
Enjoy as a side dish or at KBBQ dinner.
약한 불로 돼지고기를 팬 위에 구워주세요.
돼지고기가 익으면 참깨나 파를 뿌려주세요.
반찬이나 KBBQ 저녁 식사로 즐기세요!
Ingredients: pork shoulder (돼지 앞다리살), gochugaru (고추가루), gochujang (고추장), soy sauce (간장), sugar (설탕), garlic (마늘), ginger (생강), black pepper (후추)
Product Description/제품 설명:
Weight: 680g (1.5 lbs)
Cooking Instructions:
Heat the pan to low-med and spread the Spicy Pork evenly on the pan.
Once fully cooked, add green onion or sesame seeds as a garnish.
Enjoy as a side dish or at KBBQ dinner.
약한 불로 돼지고기를 팬 위에 구워주세요.
돼지고기가 익으면 참깨나 파를 뿌려주세요.
반찬이나 KBBQ 저녁 식사로 즐기세요!
Ingredients: pork shoulder (돼지 앞다리살), gochugaru (고추가루), gochujang (고추장), soy sauce (간장), sugar (설탕), garlic (마늘), ginger (생강), black pepper (후추)